Intelligent digital design
Grow your business with an interface designed to perform.

90% of websites suffer from basic usability issues.2

Inconsistent design patterns
People get lost 6x more often when the logo isn’t in the top left.3
Hidden navigation
People engage 44% less with hamburger menus and carousels.4
Too much content
People read less than 20% of the words on a page.5
Complex navigation
People struggle to make a decision when there are too many options.6
Right-hand blindness
People only spend 20% of their time on the right half of a page.7
It’s not enough to own a website. If it’s not usable, it’s useless. People won’t read it, trust it, or reconsider it. There are over 20 years of web usability studies, yet 90% of websites still suffer from basic issues like text legibility and task flow. Anyone can create a website, but very few can do it well.
People get angry when a pretty website is hard to use. It tells them the business cares more about appearances than what their customers actually need. And it doesn’t convert: 47% of customers left one business after their redesign put aesthetics above ease of use.8 Usability always comes first, and your customers know it.
88% of people won’t return after one bad experience.9

When you’re online, you’re in the business of customer service. Your competition is only a click away: one bad experience and 88% of people won’t return. If you think you’re safe — you’re not. While 89% of businesses believe they deliver a superior service, only 9% of customers agree.10
You can’t hide your flaws from social media. 62% of people share their bad experiences with others,11 and if it goes viral, it can do significant damage to your reputation. It only takes 4 negative reviews to scare away 70% of potential customers,12 so a bad website isn’t worth the risk.
A good interface pays for itself 10 times over.13

If you invest in anything, invest in your customers. IBM found that every $1 they invested into ease of use resulted in a $100 return.14 Even small changes can make a huge difference. When BestBuy let customers pay without an account, they made an extra $300 million a year.15
When your website is fast, easy, and a delight to use, people reward you for it. 80% of consumers will pay more for services with a better customer experience.16 And if you offer a superior experience, you could convert 4x more customers.17 When you invest in your customers, it pays for itself — with interest.
Good design performs 228% better over 10 years.18

Everything works better when it’s designed well. After 10 years, design-led businesses perform 228% better than the S&P. They infuse design into everything they do, in pursuit of a better customer experience. Most of what you do isn’t unique, but when you lead with design, you stand out.
Successful businesses design for tomorrow. As technology improves, our needs change and we have higher expectations. Businesses that can’t adapt will perish. But with good design, you can build a business that stays ahead of the curve.
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